Welcome to our M25 missions ministry!
We believe Jesus is where there is need. Through partnerships with global organisations and partnerships within our very own city, we feel our call is to serve those in need (feed the hungry, clothe the needy, show hospitality and visit the prisoner. Matt 25:35-35).
Our capacity is linked to our generosity. Being generous with our time, resources, finances and abilities, this ministry is serving in ways only a ‘collective body’ could. Many people serving many people.
Kalgoorlie based
Our local context is varied and seasonal. we love to serve the community in many ways. We provide clothes, meals, groceries, showers, clothes washing ,and a safe place to come and be encouraged and just hang out. Our spaces are open Mon, Tues and Fri, 8am-12pm and Sunday mornings 7:30am - 9:30am.
Perth based
Based in Perth, Western Australia, Cosmos Alliance creates dynamic partnerships that transform the health of remote communities in developing nations. We support and empower local people through on-ground training, on-going mentorship, and development projects. We work with health care providers, churches, and government bodies to pave a sustainable way for the future. We currently support programs in Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Papua New Guinea.
If you would like to give into this ministry, please ensure you include a reference of 'M25', and if you specifcally want to support either local or global, please note in reference.
BSB: 036-125
ACC: 250-470
A special offering is taken
on the third Sunday of each
month for the M25 Ministry.